Sunday, September 9, 2007

Calling All Localvores

Localvore -- A person committed to eating foods grown within their local food shed. (No, not a building!)

In case you haven't already heard about this, here's an event to seriously consider that was sent to me by a Sustain Dane Board Member ( What better way to support your local producers/growers and reduce your carbon footprint to boot? --- Terry
Eat Local Challenge – a 10-day challenge for you – and your organization

Join us in the challenge of eating locally for 10 days in September.
Fresh, locally grown food doesn’t just taste delicious, it can be better for our health, for our communities, for the Earth. When we eat locally grown food we support local farmers and our own community. The challenge is to have at least 10% of our food be local during the 10 days September 14 - 23. Go to to register or for more information.
The challenge is to spend 10% of your food budget on locally grown or produced food during the 10 days from Friday, September 14 through Sunday, September 23.

What is “local”?

Buy food that is grown or produced as close to your home as possible. It could be from your own garden. Or it could be from your local Farmer’s Market. For the purposes of this Eat Local Challenge we are counting any food from Wisconsin or within 100 miles of your home as local.

Local also includes foods prepared or processed by locally owned companies or restaurants, preferably from locally grown ingredients.

1 comment:

Rich Eggleston said...

I'd like to throw down the gauntlet with a challenge of my own: drink local.

Locaholics haven't been getting enough attention in the local-is-good movement. Sure, farmers markets are great, and locally grown food is better for us and better for the environment, but man does not live by bread from Stella's Bakery alone.

And, not surprisingly, a lot of the best beer you can get in these parts is brewed close to home. Some of it even with Door County wheat.

There's the Capital Brewery in Middleton, Fauerbach's in Madison, Gray's in Janesville, Berghoff, brewed in Monroe, New Glarus Brewing Co., with one of the more intriguing brands, "Totally Naked" (a concept that eschews the troubling reality that most clothes are made in China or Sri Lanka), Esser's Best in Cross Plains and Lake Louie in Arena.

I've almost certainly missed some. I won't even begin to tackle the brew pubs.

For wine connoisseurs, there's the Wollersheim Winery in Prairie du Sac and nearly two dozen other wineries scattered across the state.

For locaholics with a yen for harder stuff, there's a distillery in Milwaukee that produces impressive gin and vodka.

If we can expand this idea to dress locally we won't need a Super Duper Target at all.